Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Friday's Caffeine #1

Writing is the Easy Part

     Everyone has a story to tell and in some cases you are actually foolish enough to write it down and let someone read it.  Before you know it, you have a seventy-five thousand word manuscript looking back at you.  Now the question is what do you do with it?  Believe it or not, sending it to a publisher or literary agent isn’t the hardest hurdle you’ll have to get over.  The biggest problem you will ever have as a writer looks at you every day in the mirror, YOU!

     Letting go is extremely painful and don’t let anyone tell you different (unless they had actual experience). But, don’t lose hope just yet. The Fear Factor can be reduced through a group of friends and family you call READERS! They can reduce the anxiety greatly and even hiring an editor and a proofreader will have an even greater effect on reducing your fear. But, in the end, it will have to be you to let your book go. Now to the part that happens once you are confident you can move to the next level. Selling yourself and your book.

     Several experts and highly successful authors, all say the same thing, It is up to you to make your book a hit! In other words, hustle! Join websites that cater to your audience. Do as much personal contact with potential readers, authors, and literary (Radio, TV, paper, magazine, and Internet) anchors and personalities as you can find. Just remember that there is a give and take. Join their group, visit often, don’t be afraid to participate in discussions, and always be gracious, humble, and thankful. And, please don’t forget to help those who come after you. Those who had helped, you are watching to see if their efforts were a waste. Now that you have some notice what is next. Branding!

      You may think this is a bit backwards, but if you don’t know what is out there, you may inadvertently step on someone’s toes. Not a good thing to do when you’re just getting started. Your idea on your presence as an author may be in use (Name, Logo, & Style) by someone else. Those who you associate with are a help and can also be a hindrance. As for me “Reality’s Exit” originally was titled “Short Stories from the Heart”. That name was taken and quickly published the following day after I had placed some simple book trailers on my YouTube channel. It seemed someone liked my work a bit too much. Don’t let something like this stop you, but just beware, there are those out there who see a good thing and will be quick to capitalize off of it. When you are ready to let yourself be known (not by your book alone), here's your big three. You will need to claim the same name for your Email, Facebook, and Twitter (ish) electronic media identification. There are more and that is up to you. i.e.: blog, web site, and even Pod Cast. The main point is when you are branding yourself; get what you need first and what you want last. This is only the beginning and as I learn more, I’ll write more.

As the title states; “Writing is the Easy Part.”

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