Tuesday, December 8, 2015

News Headline December 8, 2015

December 8, 2015 News
 -Editing Has Taken Over
     Due to the nature of writing there is one aspect that is dread and that's editing.
Grammar is a nightmare, but actually editing is like an all-consuming monster that you just can't escape. As joyful as it was to communicate with other storytellers and interesting authors, something had to be placed on hold until further notice. For me it was my Author Blogs; http://sdtracyharper.blogspot.com/ and the helpful articles for "Ask SD and Reasons & Realities", the "A Funny Thing Happened" Blog; http://afunnythingshappened.blogspot.com/  and the "What Am I" Blog; http://sdthwhatamidoing.blogspot.com/. Coming soon are the new cover ideals for the first set of Novellas (http://afunnythingshappened.blogspot.com/ ) and upcoming Novels.

     The "A Funny Thing Happened" Blog is soon to be replaced with a new Blog dedicated for all Novellas. This change will consolidate this current blog and all future blogs dealing with Novella series and individual titles. Blogs for Novel titles are being considered and the current Short Stories From the Heart: Reality Exit Blog (http://ssfth1.blogspot.com/) will also change in the near future.

     Further information will be made available, so check back or subscribe to receive the latest information.

1 comment:

  1. We all love editing, right? I allowed myself a little rant about it here: http://www.monikaaszostek.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/proofreading-or-what-makes-me-crazy.html, and I totally sympathise. It takes SO MUCH time!!! (Probably more than writing itself, in some cases...)
