Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Ask SD Tracy Harper #32

Ask SD Tracy Harper #32
All questions are anonymous. If you know who is asking the question and wish to leave a comment, please respect their rights to remain anonymous.  

Q:  SD, Is it important to name your book before or after you finish?

A:  This has got to be that darn what came first the chicken or the egg! To quote Bill Murray from the classic movie Meatballs; It Just Doesn’t Matter. Just as your work will need retooling, editing, grammar scrubbing and read thoroughly for constancy, timing, and voice. Just recently, I was hit with a title change because it didn’t sit too well with my readers, both family and friends. I believe this is why we don’t write in stone so we can use the delete button and an eraser. Just remember, inspiration is a flow and it never comes to a complete stop. I hope this helps. SD
Q:  SD, Sometimes it’s hard to start writing, but it seems that it is even harder to stop. How do I put the brakes on?

A: That is a very good question and as soon as someone answer it for me, you’ll be the first to know. actually, what you had described at length is not uncommon. I like to set goals for myself and when I reach them I give myself a reward. Something simple like a cup of tea in place of a bottle water. A cookie break to give myself a boost. This also works for when my idea and coming nonstop. Remember I wrote on numerous occasions about the Magic Box. Well, this is another example, when it comes in handy. If you have more to write and yet the time you had allotted in nearly over, give yourself five to ten minutes to write notes to yourself what you would like to see next in a short numbered synopsis so you can pick up where you had left off. It never hurt to try something new. I hope this helps. SD

Q:  SD, I read somewhere that it’s important to have opposites in a story. I was told by a writer in a online chat the same thing. I was to embarrassed to ask them what it was. Can you explain it to me?

A: The first thing you should understand above all, no one started at the top. That means everyone had learned from someone. Never be afraid to ask your question because it will not only help you, but someone else who had the same question and like you were afraid to ask. As to what you are asking about is the ebb and flow of your story. If a story has only one aspect then the reader will have trouble with. your work. You are reading an action book and there is only one fast pace action after another. I guarantee you will be tired of the story and put it down.  Now if you add a second or third element like suspense and or drama the book will be better. Opposites are just that when it come to a story line. Your story should be like a basic play (at first). You have two peaks and they are the first big event and the ending event. Between each event is the opening, the midway point, and the end. You can now think of the peaks as the opposites of the valley or visa-versa. The most known opposites are comedy and tragedy, love and hate, and of course, drama and peace. Opposites insure your story isn’t one straight line, but peaks and valleys.  I hope this helps. SD

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