Friday, June 20, 2014

Reasons & Realities 1

Deciding on the Perfect Book Cover

Now that your book is finally completed, you now turn your attention towards your book’s cover. You might consider going to a profession and your thoughts maybe correct. As hard as you worked on a great manuscript, your manuscript deserves a great cover. Your cover is the tipping point of many things. for one, your cover engage readers the inspiration to buy your book. Your cover is the image of your book that tells the prospective reader what they will find within the pages inside. Depending on the type of book you’ve poured in your blood, sweat, and tears, you will have to apply equal or more effort into its cover. Unlike untold numbers of people looking for the Golden Ticket (Willy Wonder Reference-like the original movie),  or you being a celebrity author, all anyone has to convince them to pick up your book, want to pay their hard earned money, and take you home is the covers. I’m not a paid promoter of these books (I wish), nor a paid representative of these publishing firm (I wish),  but just passing on some of my research to you (momma raised me right). here’s a few notable books.
Robin Williams “The Non-Designer’s Design Book.

Here are some free advice you should check out. just Google these helpful authors.
Fred Showker - Anna Lewis - Alex Palmer - Andrei Oprinca - Simon Avery –
Here are some links

I’ll leave it here. you have a great amount of work to start and I don’t want to hold you from it. Lastly I had found a much watch YouTube oration by Neil Gaiman that is a must watch.
The most lasting impression and direction I’ve received from this brilliant address is there are no rules to book sales as there are no rules to creativity SD

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