Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday’s Tea #4

 Do Authors Have Multiple Personalities? Duh!

     Multiple Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID) is a real medical disorder and is nothing to joke about. For those who suffer from DID , their families suffer equally and has our prayers. What I am poking light, conversational fun within this article only pertains to writers (and quite a few actors/writers), and as to how they fully commit to having multiple characters within the pages of their manuscripts, books, cinematic scripts, short stories, and periodicals. This commitment can cause readers (family and friends included) to ask the question; Where did all these people come from?

     I had once had a test reader of mine stop me with a look of concern on her face. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she had to talk to me about my current project (at the time it was just called The Book and still is). We took a break and went to the coffee shop in the building. I guess it was the look on her face that had me concerned, but the tone in her voice that had me terrified. When we had our drinks and finally found a secluded table to sit at (her request), she blurted out a question that had me shaking the walls with laughter. She asked me which character in the story was me.  Once I got a better hold of myself and was able to breathe normally, I looked up to see a few of my other test readers coming up to the table quickly.

     After a quick hello and insure them that I wasn’t giving out Spoilers, I told them the question that had me in tears. To my surprise each of them and the others who weren’t there had the same question. At that point it was no longer a joke and quite disturbing. The way they described each of my characters back to me was… frightening. I didn’t think my quick description or background story of each character (so far) was that detailed as to solidify an actual person they could relate to on a personal level. As they put it in my face, (in their opinion) they could actually believe each character had a distinct personality as they spoke, presented themselves, and interacted with other characters that were completely and solely their own. This time when the question was asked, I had to actually use that single brain cell that always gets me into trouble and set it on auto. I answered their questions as simply as possible.

     I am each character because each of them comes from my imagination. Although I have taken some small snippets of my own life experiences, it is all me.  The story, and each storyline were created by me too many years back to think about it, but the answer is still valid.  I also pointed out that since this book is musical based, that even the songs play a part as characters to help tell the story and express a particular mood I wanted to place the reader in. When the topic of multiple personalities came up (not belittling DID), I made mention that maybe I should see someone about it. With me writing the major outlying on a new series call The Twin Hearts (yes shameless plug, but actually happened), I was shouted down not to do that because it's my screw up my fledgling talent (my description). It was then pointed out to me (disturbingly fierce) that books that can present full and distinct characters are the most enjoyable to read. If I did decide to allow someone to tamper with my writing thought process, they were going to beat the crap out of me. Hey, what were friends for.

     It matters little what genre(s) an author writes in to express him or herself.  It also matters little if the writer is a seasoned professional or just starting out. What does matter is the writer enjoys telling stories because that passion is expressed clearly within the pages they present to the reader.  So, I’ll end this here with this thought.

     Do all authors have multiple people running around between their ears? Duh, Yeah!  But are they crazy? We’ll just have to let the readers determine that. SD

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