Friday, March 20, 2015

Reasons & Realities 29

Who Are You
      Recently I’ve started looking deeper into perceptions. You might ask; SD, why would you waste your time into that subject?

Actually, I’ve been looking into the subject for quite some time, but only paying attention to the edges (so to speak) than at the heart of the subject. Take for instance my Reasons & Realities articles; “What’s In A Name”, “Pretty, Pretty, Shiny, Shiny”, “Deciding On The Perfect Book Cover”, and “Odd Couples” to name a few. As the old sayings goes; Perception is everything. However books bend that rule by repackaging, rebranding, and rejuvenation. You might be asking yourself what’s so important about this particular subject. Oh, alright. No one would ask that question just by the nature of publishing. This article isn’t about manuscripts, book and cover design, or marketing, it’s about all of us who take our thoughts, transfer them to words, and freak out once we let anyone read them. You might not have given much thought to repackaging yourself, maybe now is a good time to think about it.
     I was blown away when I delved into learning something new to make me a better writer and produce better overall work. One of the sources of information I had discovered was my mistake (as with most revelations). There was an author who wrote a wonderful book, but used a basic two color cover image. The title and their name were plain and font sized equally. They did all the usual things to publicize their book and it did as most books from unknown authors had done. There was small interest and very few sales. Nearly a year had passed from when their book was made available to purchase and nothing had changed. They had an idea after taking an art class and changed their books cover. Needless to say sales of the book increased, but there was something wrong. This same author had published a second book and it had an even better cover. The second book was the reason for the author to take the art class in the first place. Unfortunately, they didn’t spend the same amount of time, effort, or finances on the second book as they had with the first.
     This author couldn’t understand what could possibly go wrong. The sales of the first book were poor and now the second book was doing just as bad. However, once they had changed the cover of the first book, its sales took off and continued to rise. When he discovered the reason why the first book was now successful where the second book was having sales identical to the first when it was published, he couldn’t believe the answer was right in front of him. It was their name. Down in the corner of each book was the author’s name in small print. Once they enlarged their name and repacked both books, sales of the second book increased. Needless to also say the third book published had healthy sales from the start and continued. This was a simple form of rebranding
     Major corporations aren’t the only ones who benefit from rebranding. As with repackaging, rebranding is very important. For those who are just starting out, your brand is just as important if not more as your book itself. Now don’t flip out. Your book is important and you should put your best effort into it. However, as with repackaging, all aspects of your book can be improved. Although, you always should put your best foot forward (the best product you can produce), revisions are possible. Just by the nature of entertainment (and books are a part of that world), the face of the artist (or author’s name) is what is remembered most. Something as simple as a little self-promotion can and will do wonders for your overall sales. This doesn’t mean that this is 100% guaranteed, but look up your favorite authors before you though this idea out entirely. Basically, what I am trying to say is sometimes a bit of shameless promotion doesn’t hurt and may rejuvenate the one thing that may’ve been overlooked, you.
     The party might have already started, or things have quieted down, but who said you can’t throw some more shrimp on the bar-be and stoke that fire once more. When you publish your next great novel, you can also make what is old made new once more. Hey, it has been done before more than once. With how the entertainment industry is turning its attention toward new and original (or old and comfortable) works, along with the advent of the Electronic Book, it is time to get out those old manuscripts for publication and showcase your previously published work once more. As you probably realize the true reason for repackaging and rebranding and that is to prepare for the rejuvenation process. How many times have you seen complete series offered or special priced packages? The one element that ties all these different avenues for sales is by name recognition. There is very little doubt that people may forget the name of the book, but they have an easier time remembering the name of the author.

       Here are my final words of advice on this subject. Forget about making a good first impression. Make a great and long lasting impression. You are the name on the book’s cover and it is time to shine. Don’t just stand apart from others. Shine brightly so you will still be seen even when surrounded. You are your best investment, so invest for the long run. Never stop growing and reinventing who you are, you are worth it. SD Tracy Harper.
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