Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ask SD Tracy Harper #15

Ask SD Tracy Harper #15
All questions are anonymous. If you know who is asking the question and wish to leave a comment, please respect their rights to remain anonymous.

Q:  SD, I was told that it’s important for me to join a writers’ group or participate in writers’ sites. Do you think this is a good thing to do?

A: That’s a hard one. When I started taking this little big hobby of mine called Writing a Book, I steered far away from any interaction for fear that I would change and become a follower then blazing my own trail. As the old saying goes, hindsight is 20/20 (Perfect). I’ve learn so much from the few writers’ groups I had joined, but not all are created equal. There were quite a few that were not, let me just say, right for me. Some wanted fees (I will admit I did pay for a while). Some wanted your obedience (I quickly jumped ship-Don’t tread on me).  And, some would only trash my work and never give helpful insight or positive reinforcement (Even a new writer has an ego that gets hungry I’ll have you know.) But, when I found the right one for me, it helped my writing 10 fold and I met some very helpful and friendly full-time authors.  Writers’ Groups do help when they are the right fit for you, but don’t stop with the first one you come across. Take a look at others before you settle on the one(s) that is a perfect fit for you. Enjoy the journey and celebrate the destination. SD

Q:  SD, I recently wrote a short story that had two main characters and I thought it came out alright, but a friend of mine said I can only have one main character or people will lose focus on my story. My question is, can a story have more than one main character.

A:  This is an excellent question because I think your friend likes to color within the lines. That may sound rude, but ask yourself these three questions. Did your friend read your entire manuscript? Did your friend like your story? Has he ever watched any show (TV or Movie) where he rooted for the good guy and his friends cheered for the bad guy or the other way around? The last question is least important, but it had to be asked. Truthfully, is it really important who the main character is over your story’s content?

     He only difference between the main character and a supporting character is the amount of the story that showcase the main or the secondary character. There have been too many examples where some supporting character ends up being the best part of a production and they clearly had a smaller role (less screen time, fewer speaking lines, and even less interaction with the main or other supporting characters). I would worry less about who the main character is or how many other characters have significant roles in your story and focus more on your clarity of subject, flow of content, and grabbing the full attention of your readers as they immerse themselves in your story. Just write baby write. I hope this works for you, it sure worked for me. SD

Q:  SD, Why is it so hard to get started?

A:  That’s a good question, but I don’t know where to start. (I wish you gave me more information). I’ll just answer you with the big three. 1. Starting from the beginning. 2. Continuing to work on a manuscript that is currently in progress. 3. Ending your manuscript with a bang.

     When you make the huge decision to sacrifice several hours, days, months, and even years of your life to express yourself with a story for whatever reason, please consider closely what you what to write and who you are writing for. Are you doing this for yourself, for others, to get notoriety, or just for the money? These are important questions that must be answered because they each will steer where your story goes. Depending on which one will decide what task that has to be accomplished before you get started (Research!) If you are in the middle of something you had already started, ask yourself how was it to end and make a list from the end to where you got stuck. This is a trick that will jar your memory. You can also take a look at some of my earlier Q&As and Articles (Yes shameless plug). Lastly is the greatest and most powerful ending. Three questions must be answered here. One, will there be a sequel? Two, did you go pass the end of your story and didn’t know it? (Been there, done that, and moved on to the sequel). Three, you forgot how you wanted it to end. If this happens, just walk away from your work for a few days and do anything else. Go have a life. It will come back to you on its own and probably will be better than you had ever imagined. I hope this helps. SD
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