Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ask SD Tracy Harper #50

Ask SD Tracy Harper #50
All questions are
anonymous. If you know who is asking the question and wish to leave a comment, please respect their rights to remain anonymous.

Q:  SD, I’ve received favorable letters from two agents who want to represent me, help?

A: Congratulations, and keep everything you do above board. I’m sure you’ve done a review of their accomplishments, but what it now comes down to is which person is a better fit for you. The worst and unethical thing you can do is keep secrets from either person. I’m not telling you what you should do (disclaimer), but what is most important is which agent can help you reach your goal. I’m not talking about for this moment, but what would help you have a healthy and happy future doing what you love. Oh, and please be humble and thankful these agents are taking time out of their busy schedule because they see something special in you. I hope this helps. SD

Q:  SD, How much does luck actually play in becoming a successful author?

A:  I would say a great deal, unless you are independently wealthy. Then it is a matter of time and money. However, even if you have the best of everything and your manuscript has little anyone can say is worth reading, it would only be a matter of time that the author’s reputation will be ruined. On the flip side of this (good-bad luck) there are numerous examples of those who receive many accolades due to writing some small spark that takes control of the world’s imagination. The one thing that you should keep in mind is that each of these authors had written something and had made the effort for others to read. For now, if I were you, I would place my full attention on writing the best story you possibly can. Although luck plays and important part, the effort you put forth into doing the best job you can do is just as important. I hope this helps. SD

Q:  SD, Why do some of my secondary characters receive more attention than the main character? 

A: This is a good question and asked constantly. No two people are alike (twins included) and they will have strong emotions towards characters whom they feel some kinship with. This shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing, but something special. Let’s look at a boy or girl band or the lead actor verses the second lead. Fans gravitate to the one that appeals to them. It is unfortunate that there are times when one has more fans than the other and that show of support influence management or producers to look more towards their pockets than what each brings to the table as a whole, but entertainment is about money. Writing a book is a wonderful thing, but being a top seller and having millions of fans wanting more is the dream. Accommodations should always be made today so you can use your own voice tomorrow. I hope this helps.

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