Friday, April 10, 2015

Reasons & Realities 32

The Show Must Go On
     The term that says; “The Show Must Go On” has more than one meaning then most actually realize.
For some it means to persist even if the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry or the same as having the best plans for war but it matters little once it gets started. Were you might think this is going. It’s to point out a bit of reality that comes with experience. All authors (me included in that conversation) has laid out a plan of action to bring a simple idea to life. what we learn is that nothing is as we believed them to be until we were faced with doing it for the first time. Quite a bit if it is unpleasant and hiring someone else to do it or just giving up may be the only choice available (which is far from the truth). I was given a bit of advice (written by someone else and changed slightly by me) I would like to pass on to you. Dreams without action is a dream and actions without a dream is a nightmare. It’s not some ground shaking idea, but it is true and to argue against it isn’t going to change the fact that it is what it is. This is also where things get complicated. There is an extremely large disconnection between the dream and the action, but actions without a dream are two sides of the same coin. Let me explain.
     The creative process isn’t (in most cases) dictated by force. Writers’ block and saturation of a particular genre takes care of the problem of too many people jumping on the same bandwagon. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a nice chunk of book sales that strikes when the iron is hot, and more authors make it through the open door with the sign that says POPULAR over it than one that is barely cracked. The question no one can answer is how long this door is going to be left open or will your effort have what it takes to make it through before the others. No, but if that is your dream and you are doing all you can to make it happen. One thing I can say without a doubt is that you have a greater advantage over someone who manuscript is still sitting on a shelf or in a box collecting dust or someone who rush haphazardly forward to publish without one word of originality in their work (even if it is only purpose is to feed the masses). This is the part of the show when we bring out our performers to take the stage in this three ring circus. Please welcome the Dream, the Action, and the Outcome.

The Dream
     There isn’t a child who had ever written a letter to Santa, a teenager who had ever written a school’s research paper, and most especially, there has never been an author who had ever sat down to write their masterpiece who had not given thought to their written words would make their dreams real. Through their actions it would make those wistful thoughts go from a hopeful wish to a reality of their own making. Now the child might not get that gift (needed a bit more work to get off the naughty list), and the teenager forgot to put down their reference listing (on the last page at the bottom of their research paper). Unfortunately, the author manuscript was rejected, but it was noticed and a comet sent. Although some dreams fall short for one reason or another, there was still a dream and there will be more to follow. The important thing to remember is that each were dreams and they weren’t stopped. they didn’t achieve to the same level of the dream (most expectations never do ), but with the experience gained, one can be kinder to their icky little sister, make a checklist of what is needed, and hire an editor and send letters out to several literary agents who deal in the same genre as a particular masterpiece. What is most important that the distance between a dream and action is reduced.

The Action
     There is no greater danger than action. If it comes too early, then nothing is prepared correctly. If it comes too late then the opportunity would no longer be there. If it comes too softly, then no one will know it’s around. However, if it comes too strongly then it becomes obnoxious, unbearable, and agonizingly painful. Before anyone says that it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Please remember it is to shut it up or shut it down. The old saying about timing is everything, well, it is and it isn’t at the same time. There is the thing called Newton's Third Law of Motion. It states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Some may call this balance and they would be right and others may call it an unknown and they too would be correct. As long as the action of to take the obscure and bring it to become celebrated, then there will be no problems. It is when actions go past that point known as saturation is when we have what is commonly called a backlash. Unfortunately this backlash will remain until things evens itself out. Basically specking hipsters want to be first, fame happens overnight that only takes several years, haters hate for the sake to separate them from the norm. No one knows what the outcome will be, but when the big finish comes, make it memorable.

The Outcome
     Everyone likes a winner, but people seldom forget a beautiful fail. No one can predict if the grand finally will cause your audience to laugh, cry, or give you a standing round of applause, but if you shrink the distance between dream and action the possibilities for success will increase. Now let me clarify what this action is and how it is directly related to the outcome in the simplest of terms.
     When a little boy wishes to send a letter to Santa, he soon learns he needs more information. He first writes down what he wants. He takes what he has and let his parents check it to make sure Santa will understand (he’s not very good at spelling). Of course, his parents help him correct his mistakes and inform him about something that may prevent him from getting what he wants. Standards are a pain sometimes, but they are there for a reason (even if he had to say sorry to his icky little sister to get off the naughty list). After a final editing and read through, it is ready. Oh, but let’s not forget to insure it is sent to the right people who would be very interested in what he had written. Finally, there is money involved (not in all cases) to get things moving in the right direction. Now if you take all these actions together, then the possibility of a positive outcome is more attainable than just writing something quickly and sending it forward. There is no doubt that sending something forward to entertain the masses with very little action or effort to maximize financial gain is the sought after outcome, but I wouldn’t expect much of a favorable response and even the greatest of ringmasters can’t change the opinion of a dissatisfied audience. 

     Your dreams are important, and they deserve to have them presented under the big top, in the center ring, with all the bright lights, and inspiring to the next generation of dreamers. Dream big, fail big, and remain humble when someone holds out the chair for you at the big table. Only the successful speaks about their failures and only those who fail gives up on being successful. Keep a place for me at the big table next to you. SD Tracy Harper

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