Friday, February 6, 2015

Reasons & Realities 23

Book One or The Pilot
     On those rare occasions, someone turns the lights on high and I’m stuck like a deer caught by some headlights or some woman who watch in slow motion as their guy takes a knee and whips out a disco ball (or mirror ball for the younger crowd) and hit her with the question she knew was coming but was still caught off guard by the glittering bolder he’s holding up.
Well, boys and girls, I’m here to tell you that novels have pilots also. This is where the light came on. I was asked why the first novel in a series sometime are published with a great amount of fanfare and other books aren’t given as much attention until it is labeled as book one because it’s being reprinted? The answer to that is money.
     If a noted author is starting a new series, it will always get more publicity because their previous series was a money maker. Now don’t misunderstand. These same authors gain their notoriety through hard work and built their reputation through that effort. Of course, there are those who the sun shined down on them and the right person enjoyed what they had written and shown them come love by mentioning their book where a wide audience had learned of them. My point is, like new TV shows that have more than one episode had to start somewhere and that is the Pilot Episode or for authors it’s called book one. Now the question that should be foremost on your mind is how much effort is needed to make the first book a success? That is a question that is under great debate and (Here comes the disclaimer)? I have absolutely no idea. What I have noticed is that there are three roads that cross paths more often than not. These three roads are followers, promotions, and branding. It goes without saying that there are many more and I would like to hear your opinions on this. However, for now let’s look at these three that have always had my interest.

     No matter what endeavor you take that involves people or followers, the more you have on your side the better the outcome. There was a shampoo commercial long ago that demonstrated this premise best. In the advertisement one shampoo user had told their friends and those two told two each and those told twice their number and so on and so on. As you might have guessed the split screen that started with two quickly was split until the screen was covered with tiny squares. All authors and publishers wish this simple phenomenon would occur for them. this snowball effect is hard to predict and can become completely overwhelming, but everyone dreams of having lines of people waiting their turn for you to sign your work, take a picture with you, and say someone from your imagination had given them something they could enjoy. Now the question is what should come first in order to gain this following. Should you spend all your time, money, and energy is promoting your Book One or yourself through branding. Let’s look at the area that is hit or miss at best, promotions.

     This is the one area that is most confusing. The reason for this universal misunderstanding is what should have more importance the book or the author. Unlike branding which will be discussed after this topic, promotions can take many forms. The basic procedure is the book itself and the cost of getting the word out about this wonderful story everyone should read. You could hire someone to do this for you and they will do the best job, according to the amount of money you give them and the other way is doing it yourself. Unless you are a professional or have spent many hours of study and trial and error on promotions, you might want to hire someone to take that burden off your shoulders. However, (there is always a however), you have to stay on top of what you had hired the person or company who you have entrusted your work and hard earned dollars. One thing you MUST understand, just because you are spending top dollar to get your work noticed that don’t necessarily equate to sales. Even with the best of the best promoting your book (especially if it is your first novel), is that you are still an unknown author. This is the part where everyone says WHAT! People are more willing to take a chance on a new author if they are referred by someone they know or what other people are saying about their work. Oh, and any previous awards or acknowledgement does help a great deal. This is where Branding come into play.

     Branding is simply you as a commodity and things from you are given a favorable opinion. Branding has had several metaphysics over the year like name recognition, established author, or highly distinguished. Things like #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, 2014 Best Author Winner, or As Seen on this Show. Any number of these accolades distinguish the person as a brand for other to take notice. How many times have you heard someone mentioned the actor, director, or a character when they can’t remember the title of the movie? This is the same thing that happens with books. I hate to bring up the simplest one, but simple is always good. What is the name of that book with the wizard named Harry, or those books writing my J. K. Rowling? Man, did you see that movie with the talking raccoon or the green lady who played in Star Track. I think you get the point. Authors as well as their book (first or otherwise) have to go through the growing pains that first installments be they TV, Movie, Music or other forms of entertainment. The one thing I did learn from my experiences and being honored to have dialog with others that we may learn from each other. The greatest tragedy is not to help someone with what you know. I’m saying this because that same someone may someday help someone else and that someone else maybe you. SD Tracy Harper

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